HSE ICRT Webinar in Armavir

On January 14, Armavir hosted a webinar “Personnel Training for Digital Economy” organised by HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching for the staff of Armavir State Pedagogical University. Ilya Samonenko, head of ICRT, presented at the webinar.


HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching held a webinar “Personnel Training for Digital Economy” at Armavir State Pedagogical University as part of the Digital Economy Personnel federal project of the Digital Economy national programme.

The seminar was held for Armavir State Pedagogical University staff who were able to learn about the opportunities offered by HSE ICRT.

Moderators were Larisa Strelnikova, associate professor of the Department of Russian Philology and Journalism of Armavir State Pedagogical University, and Vladimir Belchenko, director of the Institute of Applied Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics of Armavir State Pedagogical University.

Ilya Samonenko, the head of HSE ICRT, and Vladlen Timorin, academic supervisor of ICRT, presented at the webinar, with Evgeny Sokolov, Yandex.Zen developer and academic supervisor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science programme, also present.

The event was opened by Alexander Shmatko, vice-rector for education of Armavir State Pedagogical University. He stated that training for the digital economy is one of the priorities of the university. Vladimir Belchenko, director of the Institute of Applied Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics, agreed that digital transformation is the leading trend of transformation in education.

Larisa Strelnikova, associate professor of the Department of Russian Philology and Journalism, expressed the wish that the process of personnel training for the digital economy should be closely linked to the humanities.

During the webinar, Ilya Samonenko gave a presentation of the International Centre of Research and Teaching. He said that the Centre was created as part of the Digital Economy national project, which will create a sustainable information and telecommunications infrastructure for high-speed data transmission, processing and storage in Russia. Another task is to promote Russian software by government agencies. “Digital Economy is divided into a number of federal projects. One of them is the Digital Economy Personnel project, within the framework of which the International Centre for Research and Teaching was established," Samonenko said.

“International Centre for Research and Teaching includes employees of the Faculties of Mathematics and Computer Science and other divisions of HSE University, as well as its partner organisations - educational and research, both in Russia and abroad. The Centre's activities have three directions: educational, methodological, and scientific work. As part of its educational activities, the Centre develops and implements advanced training programmes, retraining, and internship programmes. We also want to hold seminars, webinars, and conferences. Our target audience is professors and doctoral students," said the head of ICRT.

Ilya Samonenko added that as part of its methodological activities, the Centre will develop research and teaching materials. “We will also create digital educational resources and conduct their expertise for third parties. We plan to hold consultations for our past trainees. As a result, we want to create a network for teaching methods between higher education institutions. The research of the Centre will be connected with the development of innovative paradigms for mathematics, computer science, and digital technologies, and with the analysis of foreign and Russian mathematics teaching practices. Finally, our international activities will be aimed at involving our colleagues from Russian partner universities in international research projects, attracting internationally renowned experts to our work, and organising international internships for Russian scientists," he said.

Vladlen Timorin added that the main objective of ICRT is to create conditions to improve the quality of education in Russian universities. “In particular, we offer some advanced training programmes. For example, fifty students took part in our programme on mathematical logic recently. We are accepting applications from universities and other institutions for training. Our employees will be able to travel to customers if there is a sufficient audience. We are also ready to work remotely or invite you to the Centre,” said the Centre's academic supervisor.

Timorin also pointed out that the ICRT researchers are ready to work together with professors on online courses and textbooks.

The participants of the webinar expressed their gratitude for the presentations. Every attendee was able to ask questions about the Centre’s work and opportunities for cooperation. Great interest was aroused by the opportunity to take an internship at HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching.

Inna Nasikan, head of the Department of Academic Policy and Control of Armavir State Pedagogical University, said that the team of this university had begun to seriously engage in the digital transformation of education. “We are interested in this topic primarily in the context of training our professors. We already have digital literacy courses in our curricula for the professors. However, we understand that we need to go further,” she said.

She added that a variety of digital literacy programmes is needed. “Scholars of humanities need one type of programme, physicists and mathematicians another. However, they all need to constantly improve themselves and cooperate with such centres as yours,” Inna Nasikan concluded.