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HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching (ICRT) in Mathematics, Computer Science and Technology was founded in 2019. The ICRT aims at improving the level of higher education in Russia in the above-named fields. The project was initiated and funded within the framework of the “Digital Economy” initiative of the Russian Federation government.

Mission and Structure


Outreach activity of the ICRT is focused on programmes of retraining and professional growth for the faculty members and PhD students of Russian universities.

Professional growth means not only broadening and deepening the teaching philosophy but also involvement in high level research, participation in international research agenda and recognition from worldwide professional community.

More generally, activities of the ICRT serve to fostering new generation of university instructors better prepared for the challenges of modern digital world.


The ICRT core personnel is formed of some faculty and staff members of the HSE Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Science, and the Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.

On the other hand, many HSE employees as well as colleagues from other academic organizations take leading parts in regular activities of the ICRT. These include HSE faculty representatives from campuses in Saint-Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

Our team is truly international; it includes people with teaching/research background in the leading international centers including the USA, the UK, Canada, France, Italy, Finland, Japan.


We analyze the best teaching practices of Russian and international universities and give recommendations based on this research.

New paradigms are being designed for core curricula in Mathematics, Informatics, Engineering, and other majors related to digital technology. These paradigms may sometimes redefine the corresponding majors according to the latest achievements in the fields and new challenges/requirements of modern high-technology job market.

New approaches to education are based on new intuitions related with ever-increasing influx of new ideas and alternative intuitional sources. Service courses of STEM disciplines for other majors play more important role today – they need refinement and customization. Related research and planning are performed by the ICRT together with experts from other, non-STEM areas.

International Activity

Research internships at the ICRT are offered to all students and young PhD holders, regardless of their origin. Supervision may be conducted in English or in Russian, upon request of the participants.

Most participants of the 2020 program Research Experience in Mathematics were students of foreign universities.

The ICRT is integrated into HSE University’s research and education plan; thus the point of contact may be any of the numerous international events held at HSE:

Together with colleagues from other global universities, we discuss and systemize new approaches to research and teaching, new education technologies. We invite international colleagues to share their expertise and vision of the development of mathematics, digital technologies, and education in these fields.

HSE recruits faculty and students internationally through open competitions:


Experts of HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching have participated in a number of popular science broadcasts for Kommersant FM, Echo of Moscow, Sputnik (Russia Today) radio stations, Komsomolskaya Pravda-TV, and Vechernyaya Moskva-TV. Popular science articles were also published in business magazines like The Profile, Invest Foresight, and Russian Planet.
September 15, 2020
HSE International Centre for Research and Training held five summer internships for university professors where they were able to take advanced training courses in teaching mathematics, programming, and theory of algorithms, as well as methods of teaching to engineering students.
July 25, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Faculty of Computer Science does not relent and starts new projects as well as maintains the old ones. This spring, the Faculty and HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching started the advanced training courses “Methods and practice of Python programming teaching” and “Basics of machine learning for university professors”.
June 19, 2020
Here we present the materials for the training of IT industry specialists with no teaching experience.
May 18, 2020
Professors and experts of HSE University under the aegis of HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching participate in the new online lecture hall of Komsomolskaya Pravda media holding.
April 29, 2020
HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching has organised and hosted an advanced training course “Mathematical logic, algorithmic problems, computational complexity”. The course was taught at the Department of Mathematics, Tver State University.
March 23, 2020
Presentation took place at Sberbank Corporate University
March 05, 2020
The members of the delegation - thirty-three university professors - have visited HSE University’s Faculty of Mathematics.
March 04, 2020
HSE International Centre for Research and Teaching held a webinar at Maykop. Participants were the professors of Adyghe State University and Maykop State Technological University. The administration of ICPT talked about advanced training programmes, internships, and joint research opportunities.
February 06, 2020
International Centre for Research and Teaching held a seminar at Ushinsky Yaroslavl State University on January 29. More than fifty professors of six Yaroslavl universities participated in the seminar. Ilya Samonenko, head of HSE ICRT, talked about internships of the Centre, teaching materials that the Center publishes, and joint research opportunities.
January 29, 2020


Ilya Samonenko

Director, Deputy Dean of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science

Vladlen Timorin

Academic Adviser, Professor of the HSE Faculty of Mathematics



Email: mnmc@hse.ru

Phone: +7 (495) 531-00-00, ext. 27287 or 27351 

Address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, room S816,
Moscow, 109028

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